Friday, January 29, 2016

NYC baseball "jersey" (forever 21)
black leggings (forever 21)
Pierce The Veil wristbands (hot topic)

Monday, January 25, 2016

burgundy knitted sweater (delia's)
crystal necklace (created by me)
black leggings (forever 21)
"tawny" vans

lipstick: revlon's "black cherry"

Thursday, January 21, 2016

abortion under attack | Laci Green

back at it | spring semester

so, spring semester started for me today. i like to dress up for school bc i don't go anywhere else so i have no other chances of dressing up. so i really wanted to create an outfit that would work w my new camo pants but it was so difficult. i had so many shirts, jackets, & accessories laid out to try w the pants but finally picked something. i've worn something similar before- this shirt w camo shorts instead. but i think this look is a bit more edgy, personally.

arrow through heart cropped (??) top w 3/4th length sleeves
camo pants (forever 21)
black & white beaded necklace w spikes
& you can't really see it in the first picture but,
faux septum piercing (hot topic ?)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

charcoal nails

i'm always working w my hands, whether i'm writing, washing stuff, or drawing. so i don't usually paint my fingernails. however, my sister & i decided to paint our nails (more like, i painted both of our nails) & well.. i'll admit i'm not great at painting nails. my mom would be disappointed w my uneven strokes since she does nails haha. but i tried my best.

i started off using Kleancolor's "Charcoal" which is a shimmery dark gray color. 
i put O.P.I.'s top coat on all of my fingers except my ring finger, so that i could do an accent nail.
on my accent nail, i used "Charcoal" but instead of the top coat, i used Wet n Wild's matte top coat.
(matte: having a dull or lusterless surface)
lastly, I used Color Club's "Where's the Soiree" black to do a type of french tip (even though i messed up).

Friday, January 15, 2016

i started a new drawing & usually i don't post my drawings on here but i'm really proud of this one!


Saturday, January 9, 2016

best friends appreciation post

when you think about the most important people in your life, most of you probably think about your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, best friends, significant others, etc. right? what makes them important?

i think that the important people in your life are the ones who love you unconditionally, give you continuous support, are there for you through the ups & the downs, no matter what
for me, those people are jason & paul. they're my best friends & we've been friends since i moved here. i remember the first day of vietnamese class in TX, i sat in the back near paul since that's where most of the people from TNTT sat & they were the only people i kind of knew. after a while, i started talking to him & jason & then next thing i knew, we were friends. jason & i became inseparable after that, & usually paul was around us too since he was also friends w jason. in the past year, paul & i have also come to be really close & now there's Jam (Jason + Sam) & Pam (Paul + Sam). when i am upset, they're the ones i know i can always run to. when i am crying, they're the ones who hug me until i'm okay. when i am super happy, it's usually bc of them. although they are super dorks & just play yu-gi-oh or league all of the time, they always make sure i'm okay & there's nothing in the world that could make me feel more loved than that. they are my anchors & i love them so much.

today, we sat around trying to find the closest raising cane's & the easiest one for me to drive to (since i was the chauffeur even though i suck at driving). we had a bit of trouble getting there (or at least that's how it seemed to me, since i was just taking their directions) but it was a fun little adventure w my best friends. i don't know what it is about raising canes but it is amazing. out of allllll of the places that i have gone to for the first time w jason & paul (& dorothy), only 2 have impressed me- Chili's & raising cane's. the chicken is foodgasmic & the sweet tea is bomb. so good food w good people. what more could i ask for? i already have the best friends in the world but guess what? 
since i haven't seen them since today, i got my late christmas presents today. & they were the best presents ever. anyone who knows me knows that i love superman, so paul got me a superman hoodie & beanie (i already have 1 superman beanie but this one is better & it has a pom pom thing on it!!). another thing (or person) that i love is John Green. i had all of his books except one- An Abundance of Katherines. & i don't remember telling jason that i didn't have it, but guess what he got me? An Abundance of Katherines. & to top it off, he also got me 3 moleskine notebooks. i've been wanting some for forever & now i finally have some. amazing presents from amazing people. 

honestly, 2016 did not start off all that great, & i don't expect it to be great, but i'm glad i have great people in my life that can make at least some of it great. i am truly blessed.

Monday, January 4, 2016

i think i left my heart in Maryland

i am back from the Mary land & i'm too tired to even blog about it.
the short version: lots of late nights, lots of McDonald's, time difference struggles, & lots of movies.
i've already uploaded the Christmas video & photos to the blog but i never got around to new years so although the day wasn't that great, here are some photos from our "photoshoot": 

we somehow all ended up wearing semi-matching outfits
we couldn't be serious so there were a lot of other silly/non-serious pictures too
dalena got derpy af during this shoot
christy is sniffing my hair
i took couple pictures also, so this is jimmy + dalena
& this is christy + john
& this is me w my one true love- food
mean girls: asian edition
our annual pose
christy being ratchet
i did do a week vlog, will be up tomorrow hopefully. 
here are some other pictures bc i'm too lazy to actually talk about the trip
(also, pictures are on instagram w #marylandadventureswsam):

i was going to watch star wars w tony, vivian, & dalena but it was sold out
so we went to chick-fil-a & just hung out there, talking for an hour or so
i went to sweet frog & the library w alex & izamar, then we went back
to christy's house to hang out for a bit & take our annual pictures
alan came to visit on his trip from delaware to calvert which
was really really nice of him
he thinks we can't see him bc he's in camo
i look ratchet but here's tony again
we hung out a lot
my grandma is a cutie patootie
new years kisses or nah
this lighting was on point
we picked up my dad on the 31st
tony is derpy even though he thinks he's "cute af"
visited some grandparents, they're adorable
alex got to meet Samta