Monday, September 10, 2018

world suicide prevention day | we'll see you tomorrow

it's world suicide prevention day & i've blogged about it at least once before on my blog in previous years but there's never a day where this topic is not important

suicide is something that a lot of people find to be a hard topic to talk about but do you know what's even harder? wanting to commit suicide. the stigma around suicide & depression & mental illness creates a toxic & isolating environment which only makes things worse. talking about these feelings & being understanding or showing love back is how you change things. sometimes all you need is one person who understands that you feel the way that you feel & they show you love in return, in hopes that you will feel less of the bad feelings & more of the good

some days are easier than others, some days have more worth living for than others. some days you need to remind yourself of why you hold on, why you stick around

here are some of my reasons to stick around:
  • my awesome little sister (who's one of my best friends)
  • my loving mother (who always tries so hard for us)
  • my strict father (who i know loves us a lot)
  • my annoying brother (who i've been stuck w for all of his life)
  • my best friends (who always make me feel special)
  • my TN kids that i teach every week (who make me laugh)
  • pretty colors in the sky
  • sunflowers on the side of the road
  • books that suck me out of my head & into their stories
  • music that basically puts my feelings into words
  • to spread love & positivity so that people don't have to feel the way i do

i hope that all of you have your own little list of things that get you through your bad days bc the world would suck if you were not in it. with that being said, "we'll see you tomorrow" (TWLOHA)