Saturday, August 17, 2019

biology is the study of life & sometimes i look back on my notes on the biology of our lives. all living things interact w other living things & i remember the moment we came into contact w one another. every cell in my body greeted you "hello." in biology, there are different names for different types of relationships. i thought we were symbiotic—can't survive w/o each other. but i found out you were just fine w/o me. we learned a little about chemistry too—about atoms & molecules, the things that make up everything that we are. there are different types of bonds—covalent & ionic. covalent is a sharing bond—sharing electrons, giving & taking together. ionic is a give & take too, but one gives, & one takes. the giver is left w one less electron, changing its structure forever. i am left w one less you, & as a result, changed forever.