Wednesday, February 19, 2020

TWFNO | Tiffany Day

it's been a minute since i shared any music (other than my monthly playlists, which i've also been slackin' on) so here we go. i was on youtube & randomly clicked this video on my recommended list, bc sometimes i just wanna hear something i haven't heard before.

right off the bat, i was like "an asian girl!!!" but also like "a cute asian girl!!!" (you gotta admit, her face is adorable). but also, the video itself is cute, entertaining & doesn't take anything too seriously (but also the effort put into some of the effects!!)

the song already had my head bobbing but the lyrics are also fun & life-loving, with the title "TWFNO" (time waits for no one). i had to look her up on spotify (she IS on there, also there are more songs, on both spotify & youtube) bc i had never heard of her before but she seemed to have a decent following. 20 -yr-old, writes her own songs, without further ado, tiffany day.