Tuesday, December 31, 2019

december playlist


if every day were a page in a 365 page book, we're finally on the last page. tomorrow is a whole new year & a start of a new decade.

sometimes i forget how fast time passes. when the "start vs. end of the decade" trend popped up on twitter, i realized how long a decade truly was & how so much can change in 10 years. but a lot can change in just one year, one month, one week, & even one day. i guess every moment does count bc every moment brings you to where you are right now.

at the beginning of 2019, i didn't do resolutions bc those are usually bound to fail (at least in my case). i had some little goals, like "be kinder", "drink more water", etc. to try to better myself a little bit more every day. it's not like EVERY DAY i got better or even remembered these things but if i look at the year overall, i do think that i have tried to push myself to be a better version of myself & that's more important than any resolution. i think trying a little bit each day to better ourselves is what most of us are trying to do.

in this new year, i'm still going to try to work on the same things & keep trying to be better. i'm also going to try to figure out who the "best version of myself" really is. i'm going to try new things, put myself out there more, say yes to more. throughout the last few months, i have been trying these things & trying to be happy. & i HAVE been happier w myself.

the past year was a whirlwind of change, new things, & new adventures. i went to TFTI & FOMO (interactive photo experiences). i took silkscreen & pulls my own prints for the first time. i went to a Chelsea Cutler concert (my first ever real concert). i went to the van gogh art exhibit. i went to Austin & jumped off rocks at Mckinney Falls State Park (something i would never usually do). i went to California (& Disneyland!!!) & was gifted an ipad so i could finally draw digitally. i started my first semester in the graphic design program at UH & had a portfolio review/open studio event. in TNTT, i started the year teaching TN kids & eventually was moved to teaching NS so i went to cap II NS camp. i went to Lousiana to visit my brother. i had relationship changes & work changes. i went to New York for the first time ever & tried soup dumplings for the first time there too. & so much more happened throughout the year & everything already feels like forever ago.

but here's to a new year of even more adventures & new experiences in 2020.

Friday, December 20, 2019

hello my faithful heart,
how hard you've worked to hang onto everyone that has left you behind
you can let go now, we can let go
we will be fine

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

i think there's always going to be a part of me that just won't let go of you
you're so magnetic, the second i get close, i get pulled in
i don't know if i'm negative or you're positive or the other way around
but our attraction is undeniable
we're polar opposites—oppositely charged but charged nonetheless
i feel the pull deep in my veins & breaking the bond is harder than anything i've ever done