Wednesday, January 30, 2019


  • think of minimalism as an approach/position instead of a unified style
  • approaching making art at a transitional period (high modernism & post modernism)
  • Sol LeWitt (entirety of defining a cube) refusal to gloss over anything, impossible project
untitled (L-beams)- robert morris
1965, 8x8x2 ft
originally plywood
highlight absurdity of art making & romanticizing artist in studio
highlight structure of exhibition by making things large that it's hard to walk around

visually looks the same as the other minimal objects
michael fried calls out as being theatrical, relies on viewer's interaction to garner meaning
untitled (pink felt)- robert morris
let it fall as it falls
material defining the structure?
playing the same game as nauman; taking out the mystery & romanticism; de-mystify
  • greenberg defined good art as a medium being what it is; he romanticized the artist
untitled (scatter piece)- robert morris
drawing attention to/reinterprets the space
pointing out the architecture/structures that make artwork visible
intentionally annoying, are we supposed to walk through it?
  • dialectic: the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions; looking at the 2 extremes existing in same space- they need each other; contradiction in terms/existence
what's the point of art? make you think & feel, something to look at; exists to facilitate & frame conversation
  • artwork used to be seen in domestic setting but abstract work got larger & necessitated a new exhibition space w big, new, white walls
richard serra throwing molten lead for "splashing" piece
low boiling point so easily melted & thrown
"pollack" expressionism
product of ^: 
gutter corner splash/night shift
once cool, takes them down
one ton prop (house of cards)- richard serra
one ton of metal, balanced
playing w minimalist cube
1969, 48x48x1 in
uber masculine (material, weight, entirety of his practice,
"ejaculation of material", claiming of space)
list of ways to make art- richard serra
different verbs
  • post minimalism opens back up the style/ways to make artwork; inclusive
wing- lynda benglis
some kind of foam poured over wire meshed form
built on site, large in scale, architectural
ingeminate- eva hesse
each balloon 56 cm
hang-up- eva hesse
accession 11- eva hesse
strong internality
metal coming out inside of cube
metal but looks soft
strong inside/outside
playing w the idea of minimalist cube
accession: a new item added to an existing collection of books, paintings, or artifacts-
perhaps referring to adding yet another cube/square into"minimalism"
asphalt rundown- robert smithson
1969, rome, italy
exists in the earth
contradiction in materiality
spiral jetty- robert smithson
great salt lake, utah
existing in geological time, eventually erode away
following- vito acconci
randomly selected & followed individual passersby
in New York City, followed until the person entered a building
trademarks- vito acconci
markmaking inherit to him (biting himself)
transfixed- chris burden
self portrait as fountain- bruce nauman
from hand to mouth- bruce nauman

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